Joint Standards Committee

30th September 2020

Report of the Monitoring Officer

Dispensation granted to all City of York Council Elected Members



To advise the Committee that the Monitoring Officer following consultation with the Chair of the Joint Standards Committee granted a dispensation to all City of York Councillors on 3rd September 2020, so as to enable them to attend and or participate in a meeting of the Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee on 16th September 2020.




A special meeting of the   Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee [hereafter CCSMC] on 16th September 2020, has been convened to enable a scrutiny debate on the recently published consultation documents issued by MHCLG, namely Changes to the Current Planning System, August 2020; and White Paper:  Planning for the future, August 2020.


Some members of the CCSMC also sit on the Council’s Planning Committee and the Area Planning Committee and it was felt that by granting a dispensation to all councillors, all could positively express their views without any future risk of pre-determination.






Not applicable to this report.


Human Resources (HR)


Not applicable to this report.




Not applicable to this report.





The Council’s Constitution authorises the Monitoring Officer to grant a dispensation following consultation with the Chair of the Joint Standards Committee.


Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property


Not applicable to this report.



To note that the Monitoring Officer following consultation with the Chair of the Joint Standards Committee granted a dispensation to all City of York Councillors on 3rd September 2020, so as to enable them to attend and or participate in a meeting of the Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee on 16th September 2020.






Author &  Chief Officer responsible for the report:

Janie Berry

Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer




01904 555385




Report Approved


21 September 2020





Specialist Implications Officer(s):

Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all




For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers:

·        City of York Council Constitution